Before Tax:
Points = (Subtotal - Discounts) * Earn Rate

After Tax:
Points = (Subtotal + Tax - Discounts) * Earn Rate

Leave empty if Lifetime Sales should be calculated from Magento installation date

Web Site Customer Group Customer Lifetime Sales >= Base Currency Points Action
Earn Rate defines what percentage of the customers spendings will be converted to points. If no Earn Rates are created, then a customer will only be able to recieve points for general store activities.

NOTE: Do not use decimal values in rates. If you need to set up 10% rebate rate, set it like this: $10 = 1 point.
Web Site Customer Group Customer Lifetime Sales >= Points Base Currency Action
Spend Rate defines how points are treated when applied to an order. Setting Spend Rate is obligatory, no points earned for any kind of store activities can be applied unless the spend rates are set.

NOTE: Do not use decimal values in rates. If you need 1 point to equal $0.1 on the checkout, set it up like 10 points = $1.

empty or 0 - no limitations

empty or 0 - no limitations

empty or 0 - reward points will never expire

empty or 0 - reward points for the transaction will be available immediately

Before Tax:
Points = (Subtotal - Discounts) * Earn Rate

After Tax:
Points = (Subtotal + Tax - Discounts) * Earn Rate
Earn Rate defines what percentage of the customers spendings will be converted to points. If no Earn Rates are created, then a customer will only be able to recieve points for general store activities.

NOTE: Do not use decimal values in rates. If you need to set up 10% rebate rate, set it like this: $10 = 1 point.
Spend Rate defines how points are treated when applied to an order. Setting Spend Rate is obligatory, no points earned for any kind of store activities can be applied unless the spend rates are set.

NOTE: Do not use decimal values in rates. If you need 1 point to equal $0.1 on the checkout, set it up like 10 points = $1.
Points Awarded for
Points Awarded for

Only for customers who subscribed for the first time.

This option defines how many points a customer will receive for each interaction with social buttons on a product page. For example, for each a Tweet action. A customer can not earn additional points for sharing the same page via the same social network. However, he can earn points for sharing other pages.

NOTE: We strongly recommend to set up earning limitations in the fields below so that a customer doesn't exploit the option too much.

After approval by administrator

empty or 0 - no limitations

This option defines how many points a customer will receive for each interaction with social buttons on a product page. For example, for each a Tweet action. A customer can not earn additional points for sharing the same page via the same social network. However, he can earn points for sharing other pages.

NOTE: We strongly recommend to set up earning limitations in the fields below so that a customer doesn't exploit the option too much.

Will be displayed when a product matches 2 or more rules

Use "%X" as a variable to show a number of points. Leave empty to disable.

Use "%X" as a variable to show a number of points. Leave empty to disable.

This does not change the “Page title“, “Content Heading“ and Content field.

Email Notifications
Email Notifications
Aheadworks Extensions

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Tanya Poleshchuk

Tanya Poleshchuk

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