Address Information
Billing Address
Veronica Costello
6146 Honey Bluff Parkway
Calder, Michigan, 49628-7978
United States
T: (555) 229-3326
Shipping Address
Veronica Costello
6146 Honey Bluff Parkway
Calder, Michigan, 49628-7978
United States
T: (555) 229-3326
Payment & Shipping Method
Payment Information
Check / Money order
The order was placed using USD.
Shipping Information
Flat Rate - Fixed
Total Shipping Charges: $5.00
Items Refunded
Product Price Qty Subtotal Tax Amount Discount Amount Row Total
Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee
SKU: WS08-XS-Blue
$2.64 $0.00 $34.64
Memo Total
Credit Memo History
Credit Memo Totals
Grand Total $39.64
Subtotal $32.00
Shipping & Handling $5.00
Adjustment Refund $0.00
Adjustment Fee $0.00

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Tanya Poleshchuk

Tanya Poleshchuk

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